$ wget https://github.com/gdrive-org/gdrive/releases/download/2.1.0/gdrive-linux-x64 $ mv gdrive-linux-x64 gdrive $ chmod +x gdrive $ sudo mv gdrive /usr/local/bin/ $ gdrive version gdrive: 2.1.0 Golang: go1.10.4 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 $ gdrive list Authentication needed Go to the following url in your browser: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?... Enter verification code:
このアプリでは「Google でログイン」機能が一時的に無効
このアプリは Google での確認がまだ完了していないため Google ログインを使用できません。
$ wget https://rclone.org/install.sh $ sudo bash install.sh $ rclone --version rclone v1.52.2 - os/arch: linux/amd64 - go version: go1.14.4 $ rclone config (参考ページ1の通りに実行)
$ rclone lsd gdrive: ... $ rclone ls gdrive:MESH -1 MESH.xlsx -1 RASPI_MESH_1.xlsx -1 temp.xlsx $ rclone ls gdrive:IFTTT/WeatherLog -1 log.docx $ rclone copy test.txt gdrive:Data/
ssh -N -D 8888 username@sakura-VPS-domain.example.com